
Expansion of the “National Dialogue” in Achieving a National Unity Movement For a Non-violent Transition to a New Constitution Based on the Universal Value of Human Rights


Expansion of the “National Dialogue” in Achieving a National Unity Movement

For a Non-violent Transition to a New Constitution Based on the Universal Value of Human Rights

The brave people of Iran on June 19, 2021 made a great non-violent civil disobedience protest in boycotting the sham presidential election of 1400. The Iranian people with a total solidarity said” No” to the Islamic Republic. Also, there are ongoing protests and strikes all over the country which it symbolizes the will of Iranian people in a unified voice move towards a national unity movement.

Now, it is the time, the protests and strikes that are taking place in many places in the country and they are expanding every day to be linked to a “National Unity Movement” in order to enable a countrywide chain of non-violent civil disobedience protests and strikes.

Prior to June 2021, by publishing an “open letter to the great people of Iran” we stressed that Iran post-Islamic Republic must be governed within the framework of the rule of law based on universally human rights. No citizen will be imprisoned for his political or ideological beliefs. No government executions will be permitted. Revenge and enmity will disappear from our society.

The pathway forward for us, the Iranian, it is of National Reconciliation, Solidarity, and National Unity. It is our responsibility in expanding the “National Dialogue” to accomplish a secular democracy under the national sovereignty and territorial integrity that brings about the values of international diplomacy, friendship, and peaceful coexistence with free world and back to the global community.

Accordingly, we invite all the political and civil and human rights activists, all the civil organizations as well as high ranking government officials, political and civil organizations within the government, broadminded clerics and military forces to join the “National Unity Movement “ for a non-violent civil disobedience from boycotting the election to nationwide  protest/strikes for a transition from  the religious apartheid of the Islamic Republic Constitution to a new Democratic Constitution based on the following points:

  • Ali Khamenei’s resignation and implementation of national referendum for dissolution of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic,
  • Forming a national transitional authority for managing the election of members of the Constitutional Assembly in drafting and finalizing a new secular democratic constitution to be put to a national referendum. Subsequently, to create the necessary conditions under supervision of neutral international institutions as well as united Nations for a fair and free referendum/election for the approval of the new constitution in establishing the new system of government based on the values, below:
  • Separation of religion and government with toatal respect for all relgions and other beliefs,
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on 10 December 1948, and all its conventions,
  • Equality of citizenship for all Iranian citizens before the law, regardless of race, ethnicity, religion and sexual orientation,
  • Equal rights and opportunities between women and men,
  • Freedom of speech, ideas and the press,
  • Freedom of political parties, trade unions, independent workers and industries,
  • Establishment of a free-market economy and social justice, and decenralisation system,
  • Promulgation of peaceful foreign policies and constructive diplomatic relations adherence to and respect for international laws and order to maintain peace, security and stability in the region and around the world and in compliance with the protocols and treaties of non-proliferation of nuclear, chemical, and biological weapons of mass destruction.

Expansion of “National Dialogue” makes it possible for Iranian people to join a “National Unity Movement “in achieving a new political system based on secular democratic constitution through a national referendum. This process consists of a free and fair election under supervision of the neutral international organizations and United Nations. Therefore, we ask all political activists within the body of government, experts in the state offices, businessmen/businesswomen, intellectuals, merchants, artists, journalists, teachers, workers, athletes, broadminded clerics, and the military/intelligence forces who love their homeland, and they are witnessing the oppression and poverty upon Iranian people to join the National Dialogue in support of National Unity Movement.

The modern history of our century has witnessed those countries that came from darkness of dictatorship, poverty and corruption to democracy and economic development through a “National Dialogue” by accomplishing a “National Unity Movement”. The national dialogue in these countries made it possible for a national reconciliation and a non-violent transition to democracy by participation of political and human rights activists, government officials and ordinary citizen in joining the national unity movement. The world has experienced such movement in Poland, South Africa, Chile, Ethiopia, South Korea and ….

Yes, only by “Expansion of National Dialogue” we can safeguard and protect the territorial integrity of our country and prevent violence and a disastrous military intervention. Today, as we must put the past history behind us, let us join together and look to a bright future for establishing a secular democratic government of the people, by the people and for the people.

Long Live Iran


Signatories from Inside Iran


Raha Ajoudani Tehran LGBT Rights Activist
Akbar Amini-Armaki Tehran Political Activist, Member of Third Way for the Salvation of Iran, Lawyer
Hermidas Bavand Tehran Political Activist, President of Iran National Front Party, Sixt Council
Nina Beyk Tehran Political Activist, Lawyer
Mansour Faraji Tehran Political Activist, Iran Democratic Front, Former Political Prisonner
Yasmin Hanifeh-Tabatabaii Tehran Political Activist, Iran Democratic Front, Former Political Prisonner
Issa Khan Hatami Tehran Political Activist, Iran National Party, Journalist
Mehdi Jabari Darab Political Activist, Iran National Front Party, Sixt Council, Professor
Kamal Jafari Yazdi Prison of Mashahd Political Prisonner – War Veteran, Signatory of the Declaration 14 + 14, PhD
Bijan Janfeshan Tehran Political Activist, Solidarity for Democracy and Human Rights in Iran, Author
Hashem Khastar Prison of Mashahd Political Activist, Signatory of the Declaration of 14+14, Teacher, Political Prisonner
MohamadReza Khosravi Tehran Political Activist, Democratic Front of Iran
Javad Laal-Mohammadi Mashad Political & Union Activist, signatory of the Declaration of 14+14, Teacher, Former Political Prisonner
Sonia Maleki Tehran Political Activist, Iran Democratic Front
Narges Mansouri Tehran Human Rights, Woman Rights and Union Activist, signatory of the Declaration 14+14, Former Political Prisonner
Shokrollah Massihpoor Tehran Member of Third Way for the Salvation of Iran, Former Political Prisonner
Abdol-Hamid Massoumi-Tehrani Tehran Human Rights Activist, Ayatollah, Source of Emulation
Esmail Moftizadeh Tehran Political Activist, Iran Democratic Front, Former Political Prisonner
Saeed Mohammadi Chiraz Political Activist, Member of Third Way for the Salvation of Iran, Lawyer
Mojtaba Moussavi Ahwaz Political Activist, Iran National Front Party, Sixt Council, Engineer
Pouran Nazemi Kerman Civil Rights Activist, Signatory of the Declaration 14 + 14, Author & Poet, Former Political Prisonner
Giti PourFazel Tehran Political Activist, Signatory of the Declaration of 14+14, Lawyer, Political Prisonner
Parviz Safari Karaj Political Activist, Senior Member of Iran Democratic Front, Former Political Prisonner
Hamid Shams Tehran Political Activist, Iran National Party Sixth Council, PhD
Heshmat Tabarzadi Tehran Secretary General of Iran Democratic Front, Former Political Prisonner, Enginner
Kamran Takouk Kermanshah Political Activist
Manouchehr Yazdi Tehran Leader and Spokeperson of PanIranist Party, PhD
Hossein Zad-Issa Rasht Political Activist, Iran National Front Party, Sixth Council
Kourosh Zaim Tehran Member Leadership Committee, Iran National Front Part, Sixth Council, Enginner and Author



Accroitre le “Dialogue Nationale” dans le cadre du Mouvement d’Unité Nationale

Pour une Transition Démocratique Vers une Constitution Fondée sur les Valeurs Universelles des Droits de l’Homme

Le 19 juin dernier, le peuple iranien a réussi un acte de désobéissance civil majeur en boycottant massivement le simulacre d’élections présidentielles de la République Islamique. Ce « Non » à la République Islamique et la poursuite des mouvements de protestations et de grèves à travers tout le pays, illustrent la volonté des iraniens en faveur d’un Mouvement d’Unité Nationale.

En mai dernier, dans une lettre ouverte au peuple iranien, nous avons affirmé que l’Iran post République Islamique devra reposer sur un État de droit fondé sur les principes universels des droits de l’Homme. La peine capitale devra être abolie, nul ne pourra être emprisonné pour ses idées ou ses croyances idéologiques et le climat de terreur et de vengeance n’aura plus sa place.

Pour cela, nous devons nécessairement emprunter la voie de la solidarité et de la réconciliation nationale.  Nous avons la responsabilité  d’accroitre le « dialogue nationale » afin de parvenir à une démocratie laique, et de garantir notre souveraineté nationale ainsi que notre intégrité territoriale, dans le respect d’une coexistence pacifique avec nos voisins, le monde libre et la communauté internationale.

Nous appelons donc les militants politiques, les défenseurs des droits de l’Homme, les organisations de la société civile, les responsables gouvernementaux, la haute fonction publique, le milieu des affaires, les intellectuels, les journalistes, les enseignants, l’ensemble des travailleurs, les sportifs, le clergé et les forces militaires et de renseignements qui en tant que patriotes sont témoins de l’oppression et la pauvreté de leurs compatriotes de participer au dialogue national en soutien au Mouvement d’Unité Nationale, pour parvenir à une transition de la Constitution d’apartheid religieuse de la République Islamique vers une nouvelle Constitution Démocratique et Laïque selon les étapes suivantes :

  1. Démission d’Ali Khamenei,
  2. Organisation d’un referendum national pour l’abolition de la Constitution de la République islamique,
  3. Etablissement d’une Autorité Nationale de Transition chargée de l’organisation d’élections libres et transparentes d’une Assemblée constituante durant une période de transition, sous la supervision d’organisations indépendantes telles que les Nations unies,
  4. Rédaction d’une nouvelle Constitution démocratique et laïque par l’Assemblée constituante fondée sur les principes suivants :
  • Déclaration Universelle des Droits de l’Homme du 10 décembre 1948 et toutes les conventions internationales qui s’y rapportent,
  • Séparation des religions et de l’État dans le respect de toutes les religions et de toutes les croyances
  • Égalité des citoyens devant la loi, sans distinction de race, d’ethnie et de religion, et d’orientation sexuelle,
  • Égalité des droits et des chances pour les femmes et les hommes,
  • Liberté d’expression, des idées et de la presse,
  • Liberté de se constituer en partis politiques et en syndicats,
  • Établissement d’une économie de marché et de justice sociale,
  • Adoption d’une politique étrangère pacifique et établissement de relations diplomatiques constructives, respect du droit international dans le but de préserver la paix, la sécurité et la stabilité dans la région et dans le monde, l’adhésion aux conventions et traités de non-prolifération des armes nucléaires, chimiques et biologiques de destruction massive.

L’expansion du “Dialogue National” rend possible pour tout citoyen iranien de joindre le « Mouvement d’Unité Nationale » pour l’établissement d’une nouvelle Constitution démocratique et laïque à travers l’organisation d’un référendum national et d’élections libres sous la supervision des Nations-Unies et des organisations internationales indépendantes.

Au cours de l’histoire, de nombreux pays sont parvenus de manière pacifique à passer d’une dictature corrompue favorisant la pauvreté à une démocratie permettant le développement économique grâce à un dialogue national et un mouvement d’unité nationale. Le dialogue national a rendu possible la réconciliation nationale et une transition démocratique non-violente par la participation des forces politiques, des militants des droits de l’Homme, des responsables gouvernementaux et de simples citoyens. Le monde a été témoin de ces expériences réussies en Corée du Sud, en Pologne, au Chili, en Afrique du Sud…

C’est seulement par l’expansion du dialogue national que nous parviendrons ensemble à sauvegarder notre intégrité territoriale et à prévenir la violence et une intervention militaire désastreuse pour notre pays. Aujourd’hui, nous devons dépasser notre passé et regarder ensemble vers un avenir radieux et la constitution d’un gouvernement démocratique et laïc du peuple, par le peuple et pour le peuple.

Vive l’Iran