Iran HamAva has been advocating the campaign of “Coalition of Committed” for a Secular Democracy in Iran. An opposition campaign that unites all Iranians based on a common goal in achieving a secular democracy through a nonviolent transition from Islamic Republic theocracy.


Coalition of Committed for A Secular and Democratic Iran

For forty-one years, in Iran’s darkest period under the deadly oppression of the theocratic state, our country has become awash with the blood of our people. Yet hundreds of thousands of our countrymen women and children, from every city and province, continue to stand firm with their chants of liberty and sacrifice their lives treasure for the cause of Iran’s rebirth as a free and democratic nation. This struggle continues.

In these perilous times for our nation, we, a group of Iranian political and civil society activists, in harmony with the signatories of the 14+14 Declaration, the prisoners of conscience, and lawyers and jurists,  who affirm the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and Iran’s territorial integrity and sovereignty; declare our unity and commitment for a nonviolent transition from the Islamic Republic and the establishment of a democratic and secular system of government and therefore seek:

  1. Ali Khamenei’s Resignation,
  2. Dissolution of the Constitution of the Islamic Republic,
  3. Creation of the necessary conditions for holding a referendum in order to determine the system and type of government and the holding of free and fair elections in the transition period, under the supervision of neutral organizations such as the United Nations, to elect the Founders Constituent Assembly,
  4. The writing of the new constitution of the country by the Constituent Assembly based on the:
  • Universal Declaration of Human Rights, adopted on 10 December 1948, and all its conventions
  • Separation of religion and State
  • Equality of citizenship for all before the law, regardless of race, ethnicity and religion
  • Full Equality of rights and opportunities between women and men,
  • Freedom of speech, ideas and the press,
  • Freedom of political parties, trade unions, independent workers and industries,
  • Establishment of a Free Market economy and social justice,
  • Promulgation of peaceful foreign policies and constructive diplomatic relations, adherence to, and respect for, international laws and order to maintain peace, security and stability in the region and around the world, and compliance with the protocols and treaties of non-proliferation of nuclear, chemical and biological weapons of mass destruction.

Our nation is in danger, and we call upon all the armed forces of Iran to join the people, to be with the people; and to be the guardians and protectors of the people, the territorial integrity, and the national assets of Iran.

We are ready to sacrifice that which is needed, and once again, make Iran the land of love and wisdom. This is our ultimate goal.

United for Iran,

Long Live Iran